Revision1 Scripts

Revision1 Lab

Revision1 Scripts

A link to the Revision1 scripts in this example may be found on my GitHub.

The overall changes to the function of the script has not changed. TACACS is still checked and reconfigured.

Main Changes are;

  • Split script into different files for readability and re-usability
  • The Check and Config scripts are now performed from a single script
  • No more user input passwords required
  • Base directory is defined
  • Error files have different names for different sections (Check and Configure)
  • The Configure section no longer relies on the file created from the Check section. A dictionary is created with all the info that is now used
  • The Configure section uses the same connection list as the Check section
  • The Configure section checks to see if any IPs are in the check error IPs list before applying configuration

The scripts are no longer monolithic. I have split them into three different scripts and tried to make each function of a class as reusable as possible. If you compare this part to the original. The original two scripts were essentially duplicates.

A major change I have made is to remove the need to enter the passwords. They are now stored in the same directory in the .env file.
This has been made possible with the library python-dotenv. I have explained this more in a post.

There are still more changes that are required, this first revision has foundations that I will be able to build on to include different operating systems.

Device List CSV

(.venv) -bash-4.2$ cat cisco_check_ssh_usernames_output.csv
IP Address,Hostname,Username,R1,admin,R2,skelly,R3,admin

.env Password File


Notable Changes

Setting a Base Directory

import os
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Open CSV
open_file = f'{basedir}/cisco_check_ssh_usernames_output.csv'
csv_data = check_tacacs_csv.open_csv(open_file)

# Write Output
write_file = f"{basedir}/iosxe_tacacs_check.csv"

Check if IP is in Error Log

There is an error log from the checking of TACACS or AAA config. This is handled by a try/except statement. This is not perfect as if there is any error then the IP will be added to the error log. However for this first revision it is enough.

# Check Device
        # 1. Create the connection
        # 2. Send commands
        # 3. Close Connection
        error = cisco_device["host"]
        print(f"There is an error connecting to {error}" )

# Configure Device
        if cisco_device["host"] not in check_error_ips:
            # 1. Create connection
            # 2. Send removal commands
            # 3. Send config file for newtacacs.cfg
            # 4. Send show commands to check
            # 3. Close Connection
        # More Python etc

Getting the Removal Config – Dictionary

I wanted a way to get the removal config without opening the Check section output file and recreating the connection list. This was too much duplication for me.

I decided to add the all the output to a list containing dictionaries. In the original I have individual lists that I then zipped up. The dictionary approach means I can just ask for what value I want based on the key.

checked_dict = {"IP Address":host_ip, "Hostname":hostname, "Username":host_username, "Current Config":show_tacacs, "Removal Config":removal_conf}      

I have used the dictionary in two working ways in the Configure section. I have no preference, they both seem to work.
The first is to call the list and element and then key for “Removal Config”

config_remove = checked_list[i]["Removal Config"]

The second is to add the “Removal Config” value to the cisco_device dictionary. This needs to be performed after the initial connection otherwise Netmiko doesn’t expect it and does not like it.

config_remove = cisco_device["Removal_Config"]=checked_list[i]["Removal Config"]

Running Script 1

This is essentially the same output as in the Original, only performed from a single script with the changes above mentioned.

(.venv) -bash-4.2$ python
SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R1
IP Address:

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R2
IP Address:

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R3
IP Address:

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

CSV written out
Please enter the file name of the config file to apply to devices: newtacacs.cfg
SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R1
IP Address:
Entering the config mode ...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Config file to be applied
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Entering the config mode ...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R2
IP Address:
Entering the config mode ...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Config file to be applied
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Entering the config mode ...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R3
IP Address:
Entering the config mode ...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Config file to be applied
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Entering the config mode ...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

CSV written out

Script Check TACACS Output

IP AddressHostnameUsernameCurrent ConfigRemoval Config new-model

aaa session-id common
no aaa session-id common new-model

aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

aaa session-id common

tacacs-server host key 123abc
no aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

no aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+

no aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

no aaa session-id common

no tacacs-server host key 123abc new-model

aaa session-id common
no aaa session-id common


Script Configure TACACS Output

IP AddressHostnameUsernameCurrent Config new-model

aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

aaa session-id common

tacacs server NEWTACACS new-model

aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

aaa session-id common

tacacs-server host key 123abc

tacacs server NEWTACACS new-model

aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

aaa session-id common

tacacs server NEWTACACS