Robotic Process Automation – SSL Labs Automation

I wanted to show what can be done with RPA inside of Python. I have written a small script that takes in a list of domains and checks them against SSL Labs.
Code can be found in my GitHub

There is an API for this website, but I wanted to use RPA to show it off. It’s not overly quick. And I’m certain that the API would be significantly faster, but it is something working with RPA to demonstrate what can be accomplished when no other automation is possible.

Script Info

This is a quite straightforward script that will check multiple domains one after another. There are a number of caveats to SSL Labs on the web interface.

  1. The scanning. RPA doesn’t care if a domain is being scanned. It is looking for the summary with the grade in it. If that is not presented by default it will move on to the next domain. I have used a while loop that is looking for the summary and will not continue until it does.
  2. If there are multiple DNS entries then SSL Labs will scan each (one by one) and present a table. This table doesn’t have the summary that my RPA script is looking for.
    I have the script click on the IP in the first row and pull the summary from that. This is usually only seen from larger websites.

Now that they are out of the way we can scan some domains. I picked some random domains that had been scanned earlier in the day, and some larger ones that I knew would trigger the table (mentioned in point 2).

Script Version 1


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