Ansible Project: Network Security Audit 5 – Complete Security Audit Playbook

This is the completed Security Audit playbook.
The playbook goes through a basic approved configuration for the devices. If there is anything missing, it is added. If there is anything that should not be there such as; an extra ACL line, or an extra NTP server or the enable secret being different this is fixed.

The idea of this playbook is that it can be run against the devices as part of a cron job. This way, any malicious or misconfiguration can be fixed easily and automatically.
I have a basic approved configuration that covers my devices. If we need additional individual commands they can be added in the host_vars files that devices have, more about that can be read here.

The playbook can be found in my GitHub

Differences Between Versions

In the lab I have 5 devices. I have noticed some difference between them when running the playbook. They are minor differences that you would not notice unless comparing. The commands “ip domain name scrap.lab” and “ip domain-name scrap.lab” work the same. However, depending on the device/version, the hyphen between domain and name may not be there.
This causes Ansible to mark the task as changed. When really nothing has actually changed.


In the play recap, nothing has actually changed, but Ansible registers the changes due to slight command differences per devices.

Security Audit Playbook

The playbook contains nine plays, there are multiple tasks, some have debug output or return running config.
2. Logging Host
3. VTY Lines
4. Secret Password
5. Domain Name
6. NTP Servers
7. DNS Servers
9. VTY ACL Applied to VTY Lines

Running Security Audit Playbook

For the demonstration of the playbook. I have the three switches without any of the security configuration applied. R1 has incorrect configuration applied and R4 has the correct configuration applied.

R1 Misconfiguration, these lines have been added to R1. They will all be removed from R1 by the Ansible playbook and corrected.

The result of the playbook sees the switches and the router have the most changes. R4 ( has the least changes. Just a logging host command, one that is slightly different to what the IOS module is expecting, and the replaced ACL 99.
The plays are removing the misconfigured commands on the R1, these can be seen in the playbook output below. The incorrect SNMP strings are removed, for example.

Rerunning the playbook on the same devices results in fewer changes. But still changes as there are command variations that the IOS module does not take into account.

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