ASA Terraform Setup

Creating GitLab Project

I have started this off by creating a new in GitLab. As I have previously setup my SSH key for GitLab I will just clone the repo and I’ll be able to push changes that way.

My lab is up and running GNS3, I just ensure that I can ping and SSH to the ASA from my Ubuntu VM.

I’ll create two files; .gitignore and and push them upto the new repo. The file I will be focussing on next.

Basic Terraform

The Terraform provider I am using can be found here. There has been a change from 1.2 to 1.3. The provider should now be used in the following way.

Create Interface with Terraform

I will start by showing a a basic physial interface creation with Terraform.

Now to initialise Terraform and then apply the config.

Terraform has deployed the new interface to the ASA. By SSHing to the ASA I can see the new interface that has been configured.

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