This will be creating and deleting a dACL. Again, details can be found in the built-in ISE documentation. The Postman headers are the same as in the previous GET.
The only changes here are; POST method and to add the dACL that will be sent with a name and description.
A 201 response code will confirm if the dACL has been configured, there is nothing returned in the body.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
{ "DownloadableAcl": { "name": "POSTMAN_TEST", "description": "POSTMAN_TEST", "dacl": "permit udp any any eq 53\n\npermit tcp any host eq 8443\npermit tcp any host eq 8905\npermit udp any host eq 8905\ndeny ip any\npermit ip any any", "daclType": "IPV4" } } |

To delete a dACL the ID must be known. This can easily be found using the GET used in the previous post.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
{ "id": "17570740-774d-11ed-9611-eee1102280a3", "name": "POSTMAN_TEST", "description": "POSTMAN_TEST", "link": { "rel": "self", "href": "", "type": "application/json" } }, |
This request is actually the exact same as the GET for a dACL. The only and major difference is that it is a DELETE and not a GET. The response for this is a 204 code only.