This post will find the details of an endpoint off the MAC address, and then see all the endpoints in a certain group.
The API doesn’t seem to be able to search for an endpoint by IP address, as can be done in the GUI. Maybe it can, but with another API.
The device that will be checked.
The headers in use are still the same from the dACL GET request. There is a filter used in this GET request to look for the specific MAC address. The returned data can then be used to look for the endpoint by its ID.
Searching for the endpoint based off the returned value from looking for the MAC address.
Getting the Endpoint Group. This name is a little misleading, as it is called the “Identity Group Assignment” in the GUI Endpoint details, and an “Endpoint Identity Group List” in the GUI configuration.
Using Postman to find the “Workstation” endpoint group is a similar way to how it is used for the MAC, using a filter.