Linux CentOS7 Add Interface

Adding an Interface in GNS3

I needed a new VM in my lab as I was having issues with my older one. There are two NICs on the VM, one for access to the internet via my home network and another NIC to connect to the actual lab.

Ensure that the second NIC is configured on the GNS3 VM, remember the NIC MAC address as it will be required for the configuration. Well specifically in my case the last character.

Boot up the VM and check what is there. Only a single NIC getting DHCP. eth1 should also be getting an IP address on the network

Check what is configured for eth0

Add interface details as eth1. Be sure to update the DEVICE= and HWADDR correctly as this is a different interface.

Once we have configured and saved the new interface. We need to reboot or shut/no shut the interface, but in the Linux way not in the Cisco way.

Now we are getting an IP address and should have access to the internet

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