NMAP SSL Cipher Checking

I was making changes on F5s to remove ciphers considered weak. Once the change has been made, the VIP on the F5 must be checked. If the VIP is public and has a DNS record then using SSL labs in very simple. However, if the VIP has no public DNS record, or is not public facing SSL labs will not be able to run the web based scan.
This is where NAMP comes in handy. This may be run against an IP or domain as long as the NMAP client has access to the server.

This particular NAMP scan is for SSL ciphers, details can be found here.
What I have done is to install NMAP on my WSL2 instance running Ubuntu 20.04.

Running a quick test against Google.com. The Ciphers can be seen under the section “ssl-enum-ciphers:”. This command can be modified to use a different domain or IP, and ports can be changed from 443 to anything. This is really all there is to it.

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