Original Scripts

The Original Lab

Original Scripts

A link to the original scripts in this example may be found on my GitHub.

The script takes in a CSV already created that has the IP, hostname, and username. It is like this as this file was created from another script for when you have multiple devices with different usernames. This other script allowed you to test multiple credentials per device and when one worked made added that to a list to be written out to a CSV.

Back to the TACACS script, this will try to login with one of three credentials create a file named iosxe_tacacs_check_modify_config.csv
It will contain the config to remove AAA and TACACS.

This file will be used by the second script along with a configuration file. So script 2 will; login, remove old config and add in the new config.

The example script below is for IOS devices only, as the config is slightly different for different software versions I have other scripts for; NXOS, IOS, IOSXE I split them up.
When I was testing this out to write the lab up, I had several problems with the scripts. They are quite difficult to use, nothing that can easily be given to anyone to configure. This will need to be fixed!

Device List CSV

(.venv) -bash-4.2$ cat cisco_check_ssh_usernames_output.csv
IP Address,Hostname,Username,R1,admin,R2,skelly,R3,admin

Username/Password List

Local: cisco/cisco
Local: admin/Stefan2020
OLD_TACACS: skelly/Stefan2020

Running Script 1

(.venv) -bash-4.2$ python ios-xe_a1_check_modify_tacacs.py

Please Enter your TACACS password
Please Enter admin password
Please Enter cisco password

These are the devices that we will be connecting to...
IP Address:
IP Address:
IP Address:

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R1
IP Address:

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R2
IP Address:

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Hostname: R3
IP Address:

Getting AAA & TACACS

Closing connection

CSV written out

Script 1 output

IP AddressHostnameUsernameCurrent ConfigRemoval Configuration

aaa new-modelaaa session-id common

 no aaa session-id common

aaa new-modelaaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local
aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
aaa session-id common
tacacs-server host key 123abc

no aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ localno aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
no aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
no tacacs-server host key 123abc

aaa new-model
aaa session-id common

no aaa session-id common

Script 2

Script 2 is used to; login, remove old config and add in the new config. If all goes well then the password for R2 skelly TACACS user should be “newtacacs”.

aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Script 2 Output

(.venv) -bash-4.2$ python ios-xe_a2_config_tacacs_dynamic-config.py

Please Enter your TACACS password
Please Enter admin password
Please Enter the cisco user password

Please enter the file name of the config file to apply to devices: newtacacs.cfg

These are the devices that we will be connecting to...
IP Address:
IP Address:
IP Address:

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Config file to be applied
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Hostname: R1
IP Address:
Entering the config mode ...

Removing config...
no aaa session-id common

Removal Complete...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Preparing output...

Getting TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Config file to be applied
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Hostname: R2
IP Address:
Entering the config mode ...

Removing config...
no aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local
no aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
no aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
no aaa session-id common
no tacacs-server host key 123abc

Removal Complete...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Preparing output...

Getting TACACS

Closing connection

SSH connection established to
Interactive SSH session established
Config file to be applied
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local

tacacs server NEWTACACS
address ipv4
key 123abc

line vty 0 15
login authentication IPCISCOAUTH

aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

Hostname: R3
IP Address:
Entering the config mode ...

Removing config...
no aaa session-id common

Removal Complete...

Applying config...

Config Complete...

Preparing output...

Getting TACACS

Closing connection

CSV written out

New TACACS Testing

IP AddressHostnameTACACS new-model
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local
aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
aaa session-id common
tacacs server NEWTACACS new-model
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local
aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
aaa session-id common
tacacs server NEWTACACS new-model
aaa authentication login IPCISCOAUTH group tacacs+ local
aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
aaa session-id common
tacacs server NEWTACACS
R1#test aaa group tacacs+ skelly newtacacs new-code
Sending password
User successfully authenticated

username 0 "skelly"
reply-message 0 "
Password: "

R2#test aaa group tacacs+ skelly newtacacs new-code
Sending password
User successfully authenticated

username 0 "skelly"
reply-message 0 "
Password: "

R3#test aaa group tacacs+ skelly newtacacs new-code
Sending password
User successfully authenticated

username 0 "skelly"
reply-message 0 "
Password: "