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CloudFormation Multi-Stack Architecture
In my previous post, I have talked about deploying a CloudFormation nested stack. Here I will discuss how I made that nested stack work and the differences between a nested stack and cross-stack references. Multi-Stack Architecture Most simple projects will use a single CloudFormation stack. This has all the resources together in the same stack. […]
This post follows on from the previous post, CloudFormation Nested Stacks With Git Sync & a GitLab Pipeline. This post will detail all the steps now they have been fully worked out and tested using GitLab and CloudFormation. GitLab Pipeline Overview Changes are made to the filesChanges are pushed to repoPipeline for merge request creation […]
Continuing on from the work in the previous post for setting up GitSync and a GitLab pipeline with CloudFormation. This will detail how to use a Nested Stack that is stored in a GitLab repo and then deploy it with CloudFormation. In my previous example, CloudFormation would use the CloudFormation template file from the GitLab […]
This is a continuation of the previous projects for Adding Numbers with API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB. That mini project was more about the AWS resources. This project is to set up CloudFormation to use GitLab sync and deploy the same CloudFormation Template, but using GitLab as the repo in a more managed and structured […]