
Flask Upload File

This is a basic file upload through Flask. I have used this in my F5 Dashboard project to upload a CSV file that contains the database that is used as the source for what domains require SSL profile updates. The Process There are two views for the CSV upload. The file uploader The database refresh

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Python Default Setting Path

This is a very basic way to set the default path to always be the same as where the script is running from.So if the script has multiple files referenced then when moving the script instead of updating the paths for something such as opening a csv file, as long as the file is in

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jQuery Button Call API

This is a nice and quick note of how to create a button on a web page that will be used to run something. In this example I am going to be shuffling a deck of cards from the Deck of Cards API. Very basic, a button on a web page. When clicked the API

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